creative studio


creative studio

foster connection create beauty optimize functionality encourage exploration amplify thought

Our goal is to empower brands by helping them find their unique voices and creating robust digital platforms from which to reach their audiences. We understand creativity as a collective process that includes every voice in the room and that we best engage when we are able to see each other.


CipherHealth Marketing

Branding, web design and development work that helped establish CipherHealth's online presence, consolidate its visual identity and position the company as one of the top providers of technology for the healthcare industry.


*this work requires a password to be viewed

CipherHealth Product

Multiple stories on designing a range of CipherHealth's platforms.


SmartDesign NYC

Branding, web design and development work to expand the company's online operations and distinguish it as a high-end, all inclusive provider for interior design and renovations.


*project currently available on Behance

Wildman Steve

A comprehensive brand and website revamp to help one of the tri-state top foraging specialists amplify his message and expand his online outreach towards his audience.


*project currently available on Behance

PIE 2019

All the branding and design work that went into the before, during and after CipherHealth's largest ever hosted event to date and helped making it into a memorable experience.


*project currently available on Behance


A wide range of design work developed with InRhythm's marketing team to support the company's operations, establish a solid online presence and position its brand as a top business consulting provider.


*project currently available on Behance


Branding, strategy and web design work to help create a unique platform that allowed children to develop their creativity, become part of a community and a learn a variety of craft skills in the process.


Our work approaches brands holistically. We understand that everything a business creates–from company culture to website architecture to email newsletters–shapes the way it is perceived.

In association with our highly qualified businesses partners, we wear the many hats required to help your team deliver quality interactions through every point of contact with your audience.

Planning and Learning
  • • Innovation

  • • Branding

  • • Data & Analytics

  • • Research

Great strategy entails understanding the larger context and looking for opportunities that live in the intersection between the business prerogatives and the culture where it inhabits.

Engaging the Audience
  • • Campaigns

  • • Content

  • • Social Media

  • • Search Optimization

Each communication channel comes with its own set of rules and challenges. We’ll help your business cut through the noise and reach people where they are, with a message that will truly resonate.

Delivering the Goods
  • • Experience Design

  • • UI Design

  • • Product Design

  • • Technology Development

Our highly inclusive design process brings in decision makers early on, allowing us to create products that capitalize on shared knowledge and ownership to deliver real world impact.


We create work for a global audience with the help of an international network of highly skilled partners.

We work shoulder to shoulder with our clients in order to consistently deliver high quality.

We believe in forming solid relationships with the people we love and trust. No dine and dash here.

For inquiries, questions, comments, or any mix of the aforementioned, email us at